Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ePistle October 6, 2008

The sea is so wide and my boat is so small

I am like a child in my mother’s arms. . .

Psalm 131

October 6th is the 80th observance of National Child Health Day in the United States. It is the right time for parents, caregivers, teachers, pastors and all adults who care about children to grapple with a serious health issue: childhood overweight and obesity. This year, the focus of this day are three key messages:

Help kids stay active

Encourage healthy eating habits

Promote healthy choices

A place to forward your ministries in this area is the National Child Health Day website. To actively participate, consider the Surgeon General’s Pledge to prevent childhood overweight and obesity.

Children’s Sabbath, the annual observance focusing on the needs of children, is October 17-19.

I urge every church in the Mississippi Conference to highlight the needs of children in worship and in your programming sometime during the month of October.

As our African friends remind us, the best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The next best time is today.

What will you do today for the children of Mississippi?

Blessings in this ministry near to the heart of Jesus,
